Suppose you wish to participate in a specific trade show. You have all required exhibition equipment and wish to reach a wide audience. What would be the best location for your exhibition stand?
We have some tips to determine the best, strategic location. It is extremely important that:
- There are visitors on this location, the more the better
- Your stand attracts attention, and
- Your exhibition equipment attracts visitors
It sounds, and it is, quite simple.
Estimation of the best stand location
In order to make a good estimation with regard to the best possible stand location, you have to consider below factors:
- Seminars and lectures
- Terrace or catering on the exhibition floor
- Attractions
- Stands in the course
- Space around your stand
- Competition
Seminars and lectures
Many exhibitions are combined with holding seminars or conducting readings on a certain theme within the field of the corresponding exhibition. Usually, they are held in a conference room which is directly connected to the “exhibition floor”. Many visitors plan a visit to the exhibition as they wish to participate in such a seminar. The space around this conference room might be a perfect location for your stand or your exhibition equipment, as it generates “traffic”.
Terrace – catering on the exhibition floor
Another example of such a “stop” or “assembly point” is a terrace serving snacks and/or drinks. Visiting an exhibition is an exhausting activity, so places where visitors can sit down, relax and eat or drink are usually interesting places for your stand or exhibition equipment as they generate a lot of “traffic”. By the way, it doesn’t necessarily mean those people are attracted to your stand! That’s another story…….
Special attractions on the exhibition which are organized by the organization or fellow-exhibitors generate extra “traffic” as well. Usually, many activities are organized on consumer fairs, causing people to stop and take a look. Fellow-exhibitors which are located near a company organizing such an attraction might benefit from it.
Special actions or attractions are often organized in close consultation with the trade show organizer. Sometimes the trade show organizer must even grant his permission. It might be useful to enquire about such things.
Stand ‘in the course’
Corner stands (stands which are closed on one side) usually get the most (longest) attention if the open side of the stand is situated in the course. That’s logical, because it’s the only way people will enjoy your stand to the fullest.
It is therefore important to anticipate the ‘routing’ of visitors. You can never be 100% certain about this routing, but in general people tend to give more/faster attention to stands which are situated on the right side of their route. For this reason stands situated close to the path are popular, although it usually concerns smaller (standard) stands.
Space around your exhibition stand
The more space around your stand, the wider the surrounding aisles, the more attention your stand will attract, as other stands and the surrounding area can hardly divert the attention from your exhibition equipment.
For a trade show organizer it is pretty tough to get a definitive plan. During the period in which stands are sold surfaces are often switched. Stands become wider and/or deeper than initially planned, in order to meet the customers’ wishes as much as possible. As a result these surrounding aisles can become smaller or wider than initially planned. Experience shows it is better to have spacious, wide surrounding aisles than small ones. Your stand will attract much more people if it is surrounded by enough space.
Make sure you know where all your direct competitors are located. Do you mind if your stand is situated next to or across your competitor’s stand? In some cases the organizer tries to put all companies in the same line of business together in one area, as it will be much more convenient for visitors to find all these suppliers.
What’s your opinion? If you don’t mind or if you even prefer to be situated near your competitor(s), there is no problem. If not, you should insist on getting another location for your exhibition equipment. Of course it doesn’t go for specialist “vertical” (trade) shows, where your stand is surrounded by competitors only.
Try to sign up as fast as possible. If you sign up late, there will only be unfavourable locations left. A good relation with the organizer might contribute to finding the best location on the exhibition.
About Expo Display Service:-
Expo Display Service has over 3 decades of experience in exhibition stand designing and construction, making it your most reliable exhibition partner in Europe.
We have the largest online catalog on exhibition stand designs! With just 3 clicks on our Expo Stand Configurator get your perfect match!